Monday, November 13, 2006

A Constant Reminder by DC (An original sticky)


I really dont understand this. Ive answered these questions over and over and over so many times in the last 4 years. Im starting to think I should just never write a post again as noone ever reads the damn things anyway. I went over all these in the 4 articles on Anabolic Extreme. They are answered time and time again on the Dogg Logg and Cycles for Pennies and the stickys up top.....Ive commented too many times already to people to stop the goddamn overanalyzing and worrying on statics and counting the negative seconds of every rep, yet every month people are still freaking out about these 2 factors.

1)CONTROL THE FREAKING WEIGHTS DOWNWARD DESCENT--thats all--forget the stopwatch, the stupidest thing I ever did was try to get people doing this correctly by telling them to go 4-6 seconds down---but I had too because when you got shit heavy weights in your hands and are fired up for your rest pause set and breathing like a locomotive, you tend to count off seconds really fast so 4-6 means actually in true life 2-3 seconds--my fault, I had no idea that everyone would get so anal about it and use stopwatches and training partners to count their negative part down

2)Statics---everyone freaks out about statics, am i doing them right? am I doing them wrong? I REALLY COULD GIVE A SHIT IF YOU DO STATICS OR NOT--THEY, I REPEAT THEY ARE THE LEAST PRODUCTIVE THING IN ALL MY METHODS. They might mean 2% and thats about it yet everyone on all these boards are freaking out about the statics. IN CAPITAL LETTERS BECAUSE I WANT THIS TO GET THRU EVERYONES HEAD, YOUR WEIGHT PROGRESSION (AND NOT STATICS AND EVERYTHING ELSE YOU WORRY AND OVERANALYZE) THAT YOU USE IN TRAINING IS THE ULTIMATE DETERMINING FACTOR IN ALL THIS. If this year your using 100lbs and you worry all about the negative and statics and next year your using 105lbs--GUESS WHAT....Your going to be small!!!! Crap gains! Zilch, nothing! If this year your using 100lbs and next year you busted your ass and are using 200lbs your going to be very close to double the muscle size you had! Are you getting it now? Just control the descent of your weights and be steadily explosive (but not bouncing) on the positive. With statics, they are an afterthought in your arsenal here. You use them for time under tension reasons and more so mentally to pysche yourself and convince yourself that you can toy with this weight. Yet some of you guys look at statics like its the be all end all. Beating your logbook is the priority here, statics is nothing more than a very slight extension of your set and should take on no more importance than that!

3)Slow negatives on deadlifts, heavy back movements and really heavy squats. Cmon guys who keep asking this same freaking question over and over---Do you think its very prudent common sense wise to do a 500lb deadlift and take 6 seconds on the negative?????? I want control--i want you always feeling like you are powering the weight instead of it powering you. On a deadlift I dont even want you thinking about counting negative seconds, I want you just being safe, in good form, and a human forklift.......One more time--CONTROL!!!! You control the weight down with the determining factor being safety of the exercise and proper form. On a shoulder press that might mean a true 3-4 second negative and on a deadlift that might mean a 1 second negative--on a squat that might mean a true 2-4 second negative, on a preacher bench curl that might mean a true 6 second negative--I WANT CONTROL

4) Rest pausing on heavy back thickness and leg movements. The newbies keep questioning this over and over. I AM MAKING YOU INTO SOMETHING REMEMBER THAT. IM MAKING YOU INTO THE STRONGEST BODYBUILDER YOUR GENETICS WILL ALLOW AND WITH THAT WILL BE A TREMENDOUS INCREASE IN MUSCLE SIZE. Theres a huge and i means huge difference in doing a 185lbs deadlift for reps that some weak beginning bodybuilder is starting out doing and a 400-550lb for reps floor deadlift that an advanced bodybuilder will be doing. (im going to make you into an advanced bodybuilder so get it right now!) If you rookies out there think that you can do a 450lbs deadlift to failure for 8 reps and then take 15 deep breathes and start pulling again without huge risk of injury, your sadly mistaken. Your form because of the fatigue, tiredness and most of all trying to pull from a dead stop again 15 breathes later, is going to be so whacked trying to get that bar moving again that your asking for a major injury. With heavy leg movements the young, weak, starting out bodybuilders have no idea where your going with this again. Your 225lb squat for 8 reps to failure means shit compared to where your going to end up in the long run. So you might be able to do 225lbs rack it and take 15 deep breathes and do 3-4 more and then rest pause again and do 1-2 more. Do you think you are going to be able to do that with 400-500lbs on your back with your knees wrapped up tight with Inzer wraps........and doing everything in your power to stay in proper form so you dont get injured? This is why there are 2 sets for legs, a brutal 4-8 (or 6-10 if its leg press or hack) and then the widowmaker set of 20 reps?
I mean can you tell im getting very very frustrated here. All of these things have been said time and time again by me and a whole slew of my trainees on boards yet its not clicking or they arent reading it......or they just want it spoon fed to them. To see the guys on this board have to answer the same repetitive questions over and over to every new guy when the info is a click away, pains me to no end.

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